We know them. The mixed feelings, the troubles.
All though we give it so much love and affection it always turns out to not love you back.
It's annoying, lifeless and gets greasy so fast. But despite all the things we hate about the hair, we cannot cut it off. never.
Very short story, a bunch of feelings we all share but we never speak about with each other. Enjoy.
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You know the moments you lay on the couch with your boyfriend and this happens. He makes a move and it feels like he's ripping off your whole hair do. The moment in your life you wish you were wearing a wig. IT HURTS SO BAD! It feels like ripping out your brains. Or when it gets stuck between your jacket zipper, stuck between your back and the chair or it got stuck in cheap jewelry.

The hours that you can already count up to days that you spend curling your hair. It never stays. You be like leaving the house all happy and curly. When arriving at work and you check yourself in the car you're like where did they go? How am i ever going to get my hours of hard labor back?!
The awful moment when your bangs start to grow out and you're just so annoyed by it you almost seem to be cockeyed. It gets so weird that people around you start to think you have a "Tique nerveux".
Let's keep this one very short. Men with greater hair than you. We never ever speak to them.
Molting. Hair is everywhere. E V E R Y W H E R E. And the people who start to pluck hair of your clothes. We can't help it!

Unclogging the drain from the shower. There is nothing more exciting that pulling out a slimy ball of hair mixed with skin and shower gel. YIKES.
People making fun of your frizzy hair. The moment you want to turn around and go back home because you walked in light rain or humid weather and you forgot a bobby pin or a ribbon. Funny. Very funny.
When at the hair dresser and he tells you you need to cut off all your split ends.You end up asking him:"how much?". And he'd be like:"at least 20 cm". That sucks. BUT NO.
Having curly hair. straightening it for hours to realize that the ends NEVER go down. And you just want to take some scissors and cut that shit off.
Those people who be like:"my hair is so long i can whip it!". No it's not. my whip is so much better than yours god damn it. It doesn't even reach your shoulders.
Lipgloss. A long lost love. Never to be used again. RIP.
It gets so sticky, messy and when you talk, my god.
The moment you realize you overslept and you ran out of dry shampoo. You don't have time because it takes ages to wash, condition, untangle, dry, straighten or curl it. The end of the world is near.

Diner date? Does that ring a bell? Guess it does. The constant check for food and sauce on your hair.
I buy so much hair products in a year i should get sponsored by the brands. Or at least get a 50% discount for being a true customer.
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